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    Construction Project Management

    University: N/A

    • Unit No: N/A
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 3 / Words 687
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: N/A
    • Downloads: 147

    Actions required and potential outcomes for implementing the management process of the project.

    All projects have different sets of ambitions and challenges that need to be overcome in terms of deciding an appropriate execution approach. For additional support in understanding these concepts, homework help services can be invaluable. Thus, it's defined in the following manner as are

    Phase 1: Needs assessment- It is the part of the project management that needs to identify the specific problem and core issues that need to be addressed. The main aim is to identify the risk components associated with the project. By identifying all the things it can be possible to give structure to the project (Siebenthal and Hopkins, 2016).

    Phase 2- Project planning- This part of the project life-cycle is mainly based on undertaking the course of action that helps to the needs of the project successfully (Fitzgerald, 2015). With the help of effective planning of the project activities, the entire process can be undertaken effectively. Thus, planning aids to undertake the course of actions that assist to deliver the project successfully.

    Phase 3- Implementation- After identification of the needs and planning for the project this is the phase when all the things need to be implemented so that execution can be done on a timely basis. After the execution, there needs to be a clear project plan and all other estimations need to be done effectively.

    Outline the main considerations, assumptions, and constraints for formulating the core content of the project.

    Factors for the planning purpose need to be considered as true, certain elements that aid in undertaking the project consideration, assumptions, and constraints are defined in the following manner as are-


    These are defined in the following manner as

    • Resource assumption- It can be defined as manpower and materials. At this phase, the budget, finance, and scope help to deliver the projects successfully and effectively. The resource assumption can be any of the items utilized and also required to complete the project successfully (Zacagnini Amaral, Schaeffer-Novelli, and Angelini, 2016).

    • Budget assumption- This needs to be made in terms of assuming the funding of the project. These are inclusive of the following things margin of error, percent allocation for resources, the overall cost of the day-to-day activities, personnel cost, etc.

    • Scope assumption- It is a tool that defines the major deliverables of the project that is inclusive of milestones, and high levels of requirements. This helped to define the boundaries of the given project that clarified the deliverables of scope.

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    This is defined as a limitation that is placed on the projects in which the project management and team can work with it. Thus, the main constraints of the project are as-

    • Scope
    • Schedule
    • Cost
    • Quality requirements
    • Resources
    • Risk tolerance.

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     The project manager must successfully guide a project through the accomplishment of delivering the product service, and results with specified characteristics and functions (Zacagnini Amaral, Schaeffer-Novelli and Angelini, 2016). The following considerations for the project are defined as

    • Technology

    • Facilities

    • Infrastructure

    • Architecture and design

    • Financial and budget processes.

    • Methodology and standards.


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